Recipe: Homemade Blackberry Sorbet
August 20, 2014
It's that time of year again, blackberries are bursting from the hedgerows and that can only mean finding new recipes to try out! We still had so many in the freezer from last year so I decided to give this sorbet a try, which I spotted in You magazine last week. You'd never guess it only has 3 ingredients in it. The basic recipe is fairly simple but a word of warning- the colour of blackberries does stain, and it does turn your tongue a very bright purple! Other than that, hope you enjoy the recipe and let me know if you've tried making any of your own ice-creams and sorbets~
You will need: 150g caster sugar, 150ml water, 900g chilled blackberries (makes 900ml)
Put the water and sugar in a saucepan and stir to dissolve the sugar. Bring to the boil then simmer for 3 minutes. Pour into a jug and leave to cool to room temperature.
Either use chilled blackberries or defrost frozen ones, and blend into a puree. Pass through a sieve into a large bowl, discarding the seeds.
Stir in the water-sugar syrup and pour into a lidded tub (a washed out ice cream tub is perfect!). Put in the freezer, stirring with a fork every few hours to break up the ice and make it softer to scoop when it comes to serving.