Recipe: A Zesty Lemon Tart for Spring

March 26, 2016

A new recipe today! I'm a big fan of lemons and citrus fruits, and I think they are perfect for the Spring and Summer months. The bright yellow appearance of this tart would be a great centre piece for Easter, or just make one to share out with friends and family. Initially the recipe I used made two tarts, so I've adjusted the measurements accordingly for one- but still plenty for around 6 people, depending on how big the slices are. Enjoy~


For the pastry: 230g/8oz self raising flour, 115g/4oz margarine, 2 tbsp water
For the filling: 4 medium-large eggs, 200g/7oz caster sugar, 2 lemons (zest and juice), 125ml double cream.


Preheat the oven to 180 Celsius
Rub the margarine and flour together in a mixing bowl to form fine breadcrumbs in texture.
Use a knife to stir in the water to form a dough (add a little extra if necessary, but the pastry should be firm and just holding together rather than sticky)
Roll out on a floured surface and place into a flan tin. Line with baking parchment and baking beans, and bake for 10 minutes. Remove the paper and beans and bake for a further 5 minutes before leaving aside to cool.

Whisk together the eggs, caster sugar and lemon zest in a bowl until smooth. 
Add the lemon juice and cream and whisk again until well combined.
Pour the filling into the pastry case and bake for 45-50 minutes until just set.
Leave to cool, dust with icing sugar and cut into slices to serve!

Emma xo

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